Halloween Costume ideas 2015

Wearables more of a chore than it useful and smart home

If you get a whole lot more useful in the future to wear removable devices Carnegie Mellon University conducted by the Interface Group in the future research can be set to indicate the direction of travel.

Perhaps the most influential position in the early stages - is used with many companies, large and small, in recent years, jumping removable devices to wear space of the device often feels shallow. After all smartwatches very rich would not be possible to manage the slick track race.

The other problem with the current crop smartwatches portable device on the wrist by using applications that promise quick or something like this does not live up to the experience. The only supplementary device may seem for such a charge, such as the application is loaded.

Convenience is a major selling point for the smartwatch / glanceability wear a watch is actually a lot of staring at the small icons and functions manually to get the information they need at a given moment do not want to have to download. It can be worn against the demand by simply using a smartphone worthy of wearing to be a whole lot smarter.

At the same time, some full of other devices connected to the growing Internet can feel very stupid at the moment - is to provide the user interface on demand. Take, for example, the lamp to open or close the user to open the application on their phone, or you need to color light bulbs Hugh Phillips accompanying change.

Pretty much the opposite of what is appropriate, and this is why we are creating problems IOT sensor driven by automation devices do not start trying to fix.

"The fact that I'm sitting in my living room and I went on my smartphone and search for the correct application, and then open the application and then do whatever Hugh, because it is the Blue Group, if this smart home dystopian future really," Chris Harrison, Computer Science, Carnegie University School Mellon of human-computer interaction assistant professor of logic, connected device interface designers grappling with an interview with TechCrunch discusses some of the challenges.

But it is well connected with the object on the screen in your home design. That would be ugly and disturbing alike. To get there, it's really connected devices will be much more intelligent way. The key may be smartwatches, Harrison thought.

The sensor can be worn

The lab working on a research project, describes EM- Sense, you can kill two birds with one stone: to serve as a companion shortcut by enabling them to provide the killer application smartwatches with the application interface / control other connected devices. And (even) IOT also more profitable - devices on the condition that the function is automatically contribution by the observer.

EM- feeling prototype smart hours of electromagnetic signals to determine other electronic items that are capable of when paired with a human touch. To enable the application of the relevant automatically downloaded on the wrist - into one user / connection or capture an hour to determine what has been removed from other electronic devices. Even here in smartwatches basic idea is more aware of the context.
Harrison said the team is an example of the application of EM- Sense is the timing of brushing teeth together so launched a smart-hour electric toothbrush automatically when the wearer is temporary so that we can see when the flick need to put down the application will run.

"You have to change anything about these things, most importantly, it is not necessary," he said in a technical note. "It's really the main thing is working on the refrigerator, and it is a little too clever hack takes advantage of the body -. .. This is a small device that uses electricity, a small radio station in some tariccumbakiya to provide a small amount.

"When you touch it, it turns out to be an extension of it antenna. Therefore, the refrigerator is basically just an antenna giant, and when you're on your body touch becomes a little bit better as an antenna. Smart and hour on the skin can be seen in the fact emissions is quite a different thing because they can be classified stuff the moment you touch it. every smart intelligence hour, there is a goal in itself. "

From zero to full features on the laptop mounted on the wrist with the application, as well as by shifting the focus away from them - even though the project EM- feeling the one hand, it may seem like smartwatches utility to narrow dial function / digital switch is closer - can say harsh smartwatches need this kind of focus. Usefulness of what is missing so far.

And, as you arranged fitness / health and follow notification filtering capabilities such as smartwatches exist other, and the pair plan to take control of electrical devices, the measurement can be worn to feel rather more important begun.

One for each day of the whip and wearable devices, in the future there will be a lot of remote control smart home to be lightweight and fast response.

"It is really disappointing if you ask a question on your smart hour. Glanceability clever hour is," Harrison said. "If you were not smart enough to figure out what I want to know now Smartwatches will fail."

His research smartwatches recently other ways to expand the usefulness of the information to another project: Wear II (ring) finger gestures, which you can see through the contact surface area, increasing the hands path, weapons, and so will be calculated contribution of the wind speed. People might think, even if they need a bit of a stretch, and I think that two of wearable devices.

Ari calls for a smart home

Smart Home to return to the researchers at Carnegie Mellon University who are interested in taking another obstacle to unpicking many sensor problem - physically connect the sensors on all the elements that you want to bring in other words, Harrison's argument simply does not scale in terms of user experience or costs.

The concept of "smart home" object now you stick with one of the sensors, so if I have a little door, and I stick the sensor on it, if you find a small window, you have to stick sensor, and if I'm old coffee machine we want to create smart stick sensor "says TechCrunch." I think it's very labor-intensive parts of the world is about to change, and it is very expensive.


Researchers studying the reform of the possible delivery of different materials on the Internet to reduce the number of sensors distributed throughout the house, and focus instead on more than one or two packed sensing axis, with the integration of sensors in the machine learning algorithms have been trained to recognize signs of domestic work - whether the refrigerator malfunction or garage doors open and close.

Harrison "signal Almighty" and is expected to call only one or two of the status sensor is connected to a power outlet in your home. Then, once they are trained hums day after day, ready to ping your inner happiness, and understand what is happening, detect and want to be able to Intel useful service.

"We thought that was just because we have three or four sensors like a normal home, and do not have to be the object - can be connected only port power anywhere, and you can immediately not hundreds of questions from outside the area and attack the problem of smart homes, but the way The minimum interference to learn, he said. "

"It's not that they are stuck in the refrigerator, but it could be room in the fridge for whatever reason there was only one - the mechanical vibrations spread through the structure with 5X per second, and they swing - for example, let's say, and it's in the air the refrigerator does not imply very compressor. "

You do not need a man around the house, with the intelligence of a big fuss out of this method on mass consumption, in household electronics, which has been upgraded from ever happening. The most obvious reason why it was a lot of smart power and momentum of home appliances and consumer production yet.

"People need a way to ask interesting questions," said Harrison, an attractive consumer boiled essence of a smart home. Auto industry 'in the garage? My children home from school? Is there a dog bowl of water, etc., etc.? And you can not get people there, if there is $ 50,000 in Baja. What you need to do at a time for $ 20, are increasingly keeping. Is filling slowly. This is what we are trying to attack. We do not want to rely on. "

Multi-touch is more than

Another interesting project, researchers at Carnegie Mellon University are working on ways to finger taps and presses on the touchpad able to detect interactions more accurately by allowing you to expand the capabilities of mobile computing are looking at.
Harrison, the project "a touch rich call, and when you press the on-screen sensor, such as Apple's technology touch 3D can say is moving in this direction by incorporating a light touch and ongoing push to go further aims to differentiate between researchers; therefore, for example, is just touching the tip of the interaction position full hand to be able to recover. Harrison describes as "multi-touch after the end of the season."

"We do explore another dimension of interaction at the level of experience that you will have a touch screen has a series of projects? Screen that not only did it with two fingers and three fingers on the touch screen ... and most recently he could not assume the screen

. "Devices shares it stock Android phone .. no change in the fact that the learning AI will appear on the screen with your fingers you can guess with a few machines Engel is an essential feature for learning - 3D angle - this is the actual shape of the hand / arm pose as a recovery coordinate 2D just below boiling touch of a finger to help the opposition. "

The question is why after application developers to gather more information, they will not do it. 3D touch technology, Apple has not (at least yet) design thinking to significant shifts. This represents a challenge to create an intuitive interface - and some of the richest is necessarily more complex.

However, at the same time, snapchat mileage lot of people in self-destructive image, which could be hiding in the light of what is possible to request the bottom of the finger can make the screen of the input signal, you can use the whole hand? Of course there will be more opportunities for developers to create new styles of interaction.


Very low it concentrated on the screen - Harrison also more compatible with the idea that the environment in which we work, live and believe in the future of computing will be embedded in the game.

Again, a 'smart home "focusing instead focused all their devices connected to be able to communicate with peppered touch screen with some devices may contain more dynamic interface that is expected on the wall of a direct relative or any other surface.

He called on the Harrison project information Carnegie Mellon University bulb, such as a lamp repurposing Android-based computer by playing around with the idea points. But instead of having a touch screen to interact, device information surrounding suburban projects, with the show is an integral part of the camera motion tracking to detect when people take advantage of the desired pixels.
"I think it's going to be a new desktop alternative," says TechCrunch. "So we are literally on your desktop instead of the word has become a desktop desktop computer.

"Recessed lighting in your kitchen or on lamps office desk and throw in a few key areas in your home, and application developers to provide a platform to lose these days. So let's give you information bulb on the countertop of your kitchen, and you can download applications for the roofs. Some people will do what is the best on your experience, what type of kitchen? you can run YouTube? maybe you have a recipe to help you and others in your family calendar and the same for the light can get on top of your desk. "

Of course in recent years we have seen a variety of drop interface projects gesture. By recent technology, for example, it was marketed around with the games Kinect, Microsoft's motion or movement jump control. But to say that it has lagged behind and interface options to more traditional intelligence, touchscreens or joysticks, and the speed is obviously more technical level (such as HIV) seems to be more suitable for this exhibition a special place.

The project provides information bulb - similar display interface, which will be seen in the laboratory can jump from the occupation is still the prevailing interests of consumers.

"This project is not a magic bullet one," admits Harrison. "They have a new material technology, but then it would be like to see this technology, it goes [reaction] is trying to explore some of the border. We have a lot of things that we use that as a way to explore different interactions."

Is the most eagerly piece of research, in terms of a real possibility? During this time he zooms out, away from the video interface stream, and learn about the technology say it is very important for the local government and the city authorities to Amnesty International may occur in real-time information on the application running on a budget who want to improve their response. So I discussed several times objective smart cities engine of the potential for fuel. He said he could prove popular with business systems, low costs involved in building a dedicated sensor system that led ultimately by Amnesty International.

And it called on the project Zensors people, who can be seen in a snapshot taken from a definitive answer to the question sent to analyze the video still from the video feed from the start the need to mobilize resources for help. The persons responsible for the establishment of such a system to train mechanical Turks custom required algorithm. But running in the background all the time, learning machine learning and getting better - and it's people as soon as the system is running now about changing my trained eye is as good as people just periodically (knowledge) on the left to check.

"You can ask, yes, no, multiple choice, and count the balance," said Harrison, adding Zensors is good. "So it can be: How were many cars in the parking lot, and can be opened or closed, it can be in this business, what kind of food on the table did so in grad student grad students love free food, so they were running sensor , it is pizza, Indian, Chinese, is the bread, and the cake is this? "

What makes him excited about this technology cost-effective implementation of the system. Laboratory data record when he hit the bus schedule to see if you live in a city that you live in a stop watch local bus runs to schedule an explanation or any setting Zensor.

Zensors seeded bus, we are trained for, and it's just run around $ 14. It's done.
"We were given the exact data set the same for workers authentication [now called Upwork] - platform contract - and asked them how the work of the wilderness to build a computer vision system, the expenses recognized X- efficiency and living ... they see tough computer and said there was no problem. The average the quote that we got back about $ 3000 for the development of the system. Zensors contrast to the seed, we were confronted with some training, $ 14. when this is done. "

Of course they do not know everything Zenzors. There are many questions that there was a fox machine. It completely replaces the human body, but not quite.

"It's really as simple as counting or open or close the business for good questions? So the lights were on an open door. Things really easily recognizable, but we have sensors that are implemented at the dining hall, and we are the people who work are they? Socialization and ask others speak of? having things like attitude and capture minute like a small laptop and clothes differences. Our vision computer is not good enough to take these kinds of things. "

"I think it's a very compelling project," he says. Maybe for a short period of time, in front of one or two years, it is still likely to be commercially viable before we can get it, but - "It is not yet our laboratory and possibly the streets smartest in the world."

Harrison laboratory project can be marketed in a relatively short period of time working in the majority - about two years or more - if you want to try to make the idea to market the company has decided.

In my view, there should be a viable organs for wear using clever engineering hack smarter, faster and more context aware and more clear blue water between the mileage on the idea seems to be to experience the smartphone and applications of their own. More relevant information for the purpose of the pulse is less clear - this is how the challenge is to get there.

How - to zoom out even further - the destruction of human technology in question? It is believed Harrison depth study of the employment opportunities of the human race, and computer vision system that can quickly verify consistency in the human trainers, such as more intelligent than ever and eroded by technology? At this stage, it was not surprising, artistic and optimistic.

"I think that there will be a mix between the crowd and the computer system," he says. "Even with an in-depth study in-depth analysis of raw data that people are trained to buy anything really useful, and it has a wonderful eye. We have a data processing device is very good.

"Computers and work non-conforming really the specifications, there is no alternative to a number of eight hours each day, the average time people are looking for cereal in a supermarket in the same way to adjust the value of work is changing my mind. So the skills less real computers and people to work unfulfilling more liberated. looming on the horizon, the replacement of 100 hours of painstaking work in a week woven by human hands. and then I got it, so that people can buy good clothes.

"So I do not think that in-depth study and the human will reduce the technology will take over the position permanently. I think he has a great potential of technology to improve the lives of the people that come before it."

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